English Conversation


Personal recount text

Today is Monday,25 April 2022 our school made a practice test. And in this project We divided into some groups, to cook food, and our group made Singkong Thailand. This food is made from boiled cassava with a mixture of coconut milk with milk, flour, salt, and other material. Members of our group are Carrisa, Martha, Charisvano, and me. We divided the tasks to bring equipment and material, to make this food. Carrisa brings cassava, flour, water, and a pan, Martha brings sugar, pandan leaves, and plastic, Charissvono brings salt, cheese, and grater, and I bring 2 knives, a cutting board, and milk.

We started these activities at 08.07  until 10.37. Our group divided roles to make this food. Carrisa boil mixture of coconut milk, milk, salt, pandan leaves, sugar, and flour. Martha divided cassava and wash the equipment that has used, Charisvano also, divided cassava and keep the flame of the stove always fine, and I also divided cassava and plated and arrange food in a bowl.

Our group coking for one hour, after our job is finished, we clean up all equipment that is used. After that we divided Singkong Thailand, to give to teachers and us. And then we take a photo for our blog. And then we eat singkong Thailand, It was my first experience tasting it, the taste is delicious.